Cold Plunge Policy


Membership Requirement: Access to the cold plunge is complimentary for our club members. Non-members must pay a fee of $10 to use it.

Safety Precautions, Health Disclaimer: Before using the cold plunge, individuals must ensure they are in good health and free from any medical conditions that may be aggravated by exposure to cold temperatures. Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as heart problems or high blood pressure, should consult a physician before using the cold plunge.

Time Limit: Users are limited to a maximum time of 6 minutes in the cold plunge to prevent overexposure to cold temperatures.

Shower Requirement: Prior to entering the cold plunge, users must take a quick shower to ensure cleanliness and hygiene.

Supervision: A trained staff member will be present to oversee the use of the cold plunge and ensure safety protocols are followed.

No Diving or Jumping: Users must refrain from diving or jumping into the cold plunge to avoid injury.

Children Policy: Children under the age of 16 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when using the cold plunge.

Respect for Others: Users must respect the privacy and personal space of others using the cold plunge.

Cleanliness: Users are responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the cold plunge area by disposing of any trash or personal items properly.

Proper Attire: Appropriate swimwear must be worn when using the cold plunge.

No Food or Drinks: Food and drinks are not allowed in the cold plunge area to maintain cleanliness and prevent accidents.

These rules are put in place to ensure the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of all users. Violation of these rules may result in suspension of cold plunge privileges.

Thank you for your cooperation!